Everything Stays


Palm Springs International Shorts Fest - Official Selection

LA Shorts International Film Festival - Official Selection

HollyShorts Film Festival - Official Selection

New York No Limits Summit - Official Selection

San Diego Asian Film Festival - Official Selection

Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival - Official Selection

Gabe has led his younger cousins through childhood; but as the summer after high school graduation winds down, his cousins have one last chance to tie him down in Illinois, forcing Gabe to decide what’s more important: his family or his future?

Starring | Ryan Gatus, Sari Arambulo, & Nicole McCullough

Writer & Director | Cole Bacani

Producers | Norrie Palmer, Lily Norris, Akshay Ravi & Cole Bacani

Executive Producer | Jason Y. Lee & Jim Oesterreich

Director of Photography | Brian Tang

Production Designer | TJ Ryan

Editor | Joseph DeRose

Original Score | Maia Thomas & Cole Bacani